Church Attendance Guidelines

Jun 19, 2021

**Here is a review of our mask guidelines while attending in person church services:**

- All attendees are required to wear a proper mask, properly fitted the entire time inside the church building.
- Clear face shields are only allowed for the upfront presenters when presenting.
- Wear your mask even while seated.
- Mask should cover both your mouth and nose.
- Children 2 years and under should not wear a mask.
- Children 3 - 4 years are recommended to wear a mask as long as they can remove it themselves.
- Children 5 and older should wear mask.
- Wash your hands with sanitizer upon entering and frequently while present.
- Try to maintain a 6’ distance from those outside your family group.
- There will be times where we are inside this distance for a few brief moments, like passing in the hallway, but avoid sustained closeness as much as possible.
- If you have any symptoms, such as a fever, or have knowingly been recently exposed to a Covid positive case please choose to remain home.
- If you have specific elevated risk factors (age, underlying health conditions) prayerfully consider whether attending in-person is the right choice at this time.