Praises & Requests
- Cebastyan Bailey requests prayer for her family. Her brother's health took a turn for the worse and he passed away Saturday night. Their disappointment and grief is "immeasurable". He contracted COVID while dealing with a spider bite and died from complications. Let's lift them up in prayer .
- LeRon Couch requests prayer for Matthew Evans (grandson of our former member John Evans who passed away a number of months ago). Matthew suffered a workplace accident, falling about 40 feet. He was to have emergency surgery this morning back in Maine, where he and his dad are working. The hope was to stabilize a fractured vertebrae in his back. More information will be shared as it becomes available. Please pray for healing and full recover from his injuries. (1/18)
- Please pray for Cindy Mohr. She will be having a cardioversion procedure next Thursday (1/23) to try and convert her heart rhythm out of Atrial Fibrillation back into a normal, regular heart rhythm. Please pray that the procedure will go smoothly and that she will have calm and peace about this upcoming procedure. (1/16)
- Continue Prayers for Peter (Gil & Penny Messenger’s neighbor) recently completed treatment for lung cancer (he never smoked). In February, he is scheduled for a preventative treatment targeting his brain to address potential cancer spread. (1/16)
- Please pray for Judy Veach. She was admitted to the hospital Friday and is having some new medical complications. Please pray for her, the medical team and her daughter, Denise, as they figure out the best treatment plan. She is in Peace Health Medical Center in Vancouver. (1/16)
- Bonnie Schonbachler is in rehab following corrective back surgery on Tuesday, December 24. Please pray for the Lord’s healing hand as she recovers and that she may soon join us for worship at church, which she deeply treasures as a blessing. (1/16)
- Charlotte Miles shares, " Dear friends, I’m sorry to say Val Lipinsky passed to her rest Nov. 14 at age 96. She and Connie were long time members here and even helped build this church. Val was living in Florida with her daughter, Carolyn and son-in-law Craig. Their address is Carolyn and Craig Williams 12837 Cragside Ln, Windemere, FL 34786. Val and Connie will surely be missed."(1/15)
- Connie Rothenberger requests: "Praise & thanksgiving for successful surgery for my sister, Patty. She is home recovering. Also please pray for Quinn, a young woman who will be having heart surgery Thursday, 1/23." (1/15)
- Nancy Brown requests prayer for her "long-time friend since the 4th grade, Linda Trout, who passed away last night. Please pray for comfort for Jim, her husband of 57 plus years." (1/14)
- Cesario requests prayer for his dad (Cesar Sr.) "He was diagnosed with prostate cancer and is receiving treatments. Please pray for God's healing and His will that he will be healed. Amen." (1/14)
- Charolotte Miles offers praise to God for her friend, Marie, who lives in Altadena, CA and was evacuated due to the fires . Her home was spared but the homes on the opposite side of the street were destroyed. Please pray for all those who have suffered devastating loss in these tragic fires. (1/14)
- Heather Oneal requests prayer for "my friends, Bill and Angela, with your prayers. Bill has been diagnosed with a rare "upper tract urothelial" cancer (which affects the lining of the kidney and tube that carries urine to the bladder). He will be getting a second opinion on January 13th to help determine which treatment plan is best. This could include chemotherapy, radiation and/or surgery." (1/5)
- Dennis Dietz updates prayer for his best friend of 70+ years, Bill Etheredge. Bill had successful coronary bypass surgery at Emanuel Hospital. Please pray for his ongoing recovery. Praises to God for answers to our prayers. (1/14)
- Joann Marks requests prayer for Bob Williams who is now in Rehab after a stay in the hospital for swollen legs and cellulitis. He hopes to be able to return home soon. Pray for his recovery. (1/14)
- Kathy Pflugrad requests prayer as she has a retinal bleed which has fogged the vision in her left eye making it very hard to see with it. (12/28)
Pray for those affected by the wars in Russia and Ukraine and those in Israel and Palestine. Pray for an end to the evil we are seeing in our world. Please pray for those suffering from devastating loss due to the tragic fires in southern California.