Prayer Wall

Prayer Wall

Praises & Requests

  • Let’s pray for Eager Kelly.  We received a call from his wife, Clara, that he is experiencing atrial fibrillation.  It has been particularly concerning today so he is headed into the hospital.  He was scheduled for to have a pacemaker installed in August, but we pray that he might get that procedure sooner. (7/25)

  • Jan Pullen requests prayer for, Bonnie Hilde, (Pastor Ray Ammon's sister) as she "is undergoing extensive throat and neck surgery on July 15 for thyroid cancer, especially on the left side of her neck, where the surgeon said "There is a lot of cancer there"."  Please pray for a successful procedure and uncomplicated recovery.  (7/15)
  • Donna Dondino request prayer for her sister, Simone, who will have cancer surgery on July 17. Pray for the surgery to go well and for healing. (7/11)

  • Pray for Gary Roberts, a cousin of Gil and Penny Messenger’s son-in-law who has been diagnosed with in-operable brain tumors that are rapidly affecting his ability to walk and move. He has been a mission pilot in Papau, Indonesia and was flown back to Loma Linda. Pray for healing, peace for him and the family as they are praying for the right medical path forward. (7/11)

  • Karen Johnson-Proctor’s sister, Janet, recently suffered a stroke. Thankfully, it turned out to be only a minor stroke, and she is recovering remarkably well. Thank you for all your prayers! (7/10)

  • Sharon Zull requests prayer for Terry and Dona O'Daniel (an older couple attending our church from Tualatin).  They were on their way to Portland Adventist Hospital about 4:00 AM on June 30 (Terry was having back pain) when their car was involved in a hit and run accident.  Both were taken to OHSU.  Dona suffered mild injuries but Terry had several broken ribs and a broken shoulder.  Dona is now home but Terry remains in the hospital.  Let's lift them up in prayer ar healing and recovery.  (7/1)

  • Update on Penny Messenger, her fractured femur surgery went well.  They were able to repair her hip with 3 screws to reattach the hip ball in place.  She was discharged the following afternoon and is doing well at home.  Praises to God for a successful surgery and early recovery.  Please continue to pray for healing of the bone.  (7/1)

  • Carol Likes would like to thank everyone for the thoughtful cards. Please continue to pray for Gary Likes family.  May they find peace and strength in Jesus during this difficult time of loss and grief.  (6/26)

  • A praise from Joanne Marks:  "I am gratefully celebrating guidance to dental professionals who will begin action for me July 3rd! I am so excited! I got one referral through 2 different people at our church. That dentist led me to an oral surgeon. I feel confidence in the staff of these 2 offices & feel very cared for. I have had less fear because of support from many Church members. Thanks to everyone & to God for helping me through difficult times. I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel!"   (6/14)

  • Bonnie Schonbachler is doing well, but appreciates your continued prayers for healing and pain control. She was transferred from the hospital to a rehab on Wednesday, June 12, where she plans to be for two months following her back repair surgery.  (6/13)

  • Nancy Brown sent an update on Linda Trout:  "She finally had that cancer removed from her non-functioning kidney on June 12. It was a 4 and half-hour surgery that put a lot of pressure on her back where she has 6 compression fractures on her spine. She is in a lot of pain. Please pray for healing and good pain control."  (6/13)
  • Cesario Natividad, update:  "Update on my Dad (Cesario Sr.), he was discharged from the hospital and is home recovering. Thank you, Church Family for your prayers. Our God is good. Please continue to pray for my Dad, for a full and speedy recovery. Thank you and God Bless."  (6/13)

  • Anelda sent an update on Peggy O'Neil:  Her angiogram indicated that she did not need to have any stents or further procedures.  She does have mild heart failure which should be easily treated.  Please continue to keep her in your prayers for renewed strength and healing.  (6/13)
  • Pray for those affected by the wars in Russia and Ukraine and those in Israel and Palestine.  Pray for an end to the evil we are seeing in our world.  May Jesus come quickly.